Nestled in the small community known to the locals as Midway, in between the city of Gulf Breeze and Navarre, Smuggler’s Cove is a small, private community of established, custom-built homes. Just off of Gulf Breeze Parkway, the location of this subdivision is perfect for those who prefer the quiet, relaxing atmosphere over a bustling, larger city.
Great for those who loves spending time outdoors, or perhaps kicking back and enjoying the view, Smuggler’s Cove offers a pool and clubhouse and is just down the road from Woodlawn Beach. This midway area of Gulf Breeze also offers other activities such as the Gulf Breeze Zoo, The Gulf Breeze Flea Market, and Holley By The Sea Recreation Center. Other amenities such as shops, restaurants, beaches, parks, schools, banks, churches, and waterfront views are all a short, convenient drive from Smuggler’s Cove.